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Can I use on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets?

Yes, you can use on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. Trezor's website is responsive and designed to work on a variety of devices, including mobile platforms like iOS and Android.

Here's how you can set up your Trezor device using a mobile device:

  1. Open the web browser on your smartphone or tablet.

  2. Navigate to

  3. Connect your Trezor device to your mobile device using a USB On-The-Go (OTG) adapter if your device has a micro-USB or USB-C port. For newer devices with USB-C ports, you might not need an adapter.

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions on the page to begin the setup process.

  5. Complete the setup process, including creating a new wallet, setting up a PIN, and generating a recovery seed.

  6. Safely store your recovery seed in a secure location.

Using on a mobile device offers flexibility and convenience, allowing you to set up and manage your Trezor hardware wallet even when you're on the go. Just ensure that you have a stable internet connection and a compatible web browser installed on your mobile device.

Last updated